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9 Tips to Maximise Spaces in HDB BTO Renovation

HDB BTO renovationDue to a significant shift in demographics, smaller homes could potentially feature more frequently in Singapore’s future housing landscape.

Hence, it is important that every space in your home is fully utilised. And we truly believed that your home’s size shouldn’t affect how gorgeous and functional it is.

In facts, these 9 tips will be able to help you maximise your space in HDB BTO flat and could made your tiny home look stylish and yet practical.

Made Use of Vertical Space

Made use of vertical space​Making use of your vertical space is also key when it comes to maximising space in your HDB BTO. One way is to elevate your bed, turning the space below into a study or a seating area – giving you dual usage for the same space.

You can also utilise your wall space to install more full-length cabinets into your home to create extra room for storage for all your essentials. ​Items can be easily stored away to keep your home looking neat and tidy.

Another tip to break the dull repetition of having rows and rows of cupboard doors is to introduce open shelving – this allows you to showcase your small houseplants, travel souvenirs or family pictures.

Multifunctional Furniture

​Multifunctional furniture is furniture that serves dual or more purposes – most of which are either convertible or expandable to help you better utilise your space. Ottomans are an example of multifunctional furniture, acting as a footrest, extra seat and bed bench all in one and can even provide additional storage.

Sliding Doors for Wardrobe

Wardrobe sliding doorsSliding doors do not obstruct space,  walkways and/or corridors when left open, making them the go-to option as wardrobe door, bedroom doors, toilet doors and kitchen doors. There are 2 options when it comes to sliding doors: exposed top track doors or top-hung doors.

Exposed top track doors are heavily inspired by barn doors, giving the space a rustic look and feel. You can also go with metal tracks and rollers to add an industrial touch.

On the other hand, top-hung doors involve the top track of your sliding door being hidden with the design intention for it to “blend” seamlessly into your home.

Use Shelves as Divider

​Consider installing a double-sided, built-in shelving unit instead of building a new wall. Not only does it act as a wall, separating rooms from one another – it also provides more space to store and showcase your favourite items.

Go With a Light Colour Scheme

High gloss kitchen​Lighter shades like white and beige have the effect of making spaces look bigger as they are more reflective especially in combination of high gloss acrylic surface texture – making a space feel more open and airy which in turn helps maximise the effect of natural lighting.

​Keep in mind that brighter rooms are more inviting and feel more spacious and you can always opt for an accent wall to complement the interior without being too overpowering.

Get Some Mirrors

​When placed in the right places, mirrors can be used to help reflect light and brighten up the interiors of your home, which gives the illusion of a bigger space. Get some full-length mirrors in your room, preferably opposite your window, to help spread more light throughout the room.

Utilise Your Ceilings

HDB BTO renovationYour walls aren’t the only vertical space available – there’s also your ceiling space.

Consider installing suspended hanging shelves, especially in the kitchen where, you can save cabinet and countertop space by displaying your favourite dishware, crockery and wine collection on these shelves while keeping it accessible.

Murphy Bed

Murphy beds, also known as a wall-bed or pull-down bed, are a type of bed that is put away vertically against a wall when not in use. If you have limited space at home, a murphy bed can help you to free up space during the day for other activities such as yoga or calisthenic exercises.

Murphy beds also have the capability to be multifunctional, with additional storage shelves on each side of the bed, a storage unit and the ability to be converted into a sofa – giving you more value for your dollar with its additional functionality benefits.


HDB BTO renovation - PegboardsPegboards are a brilliant way to keep items organised and off the floor. They can be placed anywhere in your home, be it your living room, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. Pegboards are also easily configurable, allowing the user to add trays and hooks and arrange everything to accommodate their needs.

​They can also be used in the kitchen to store things like utensils or crockery, saving cabinet space and time from digging through the cabinets for a frying pan.

That’s all the tips we have to maximise the space in your new HDB BTO flat, have fun with them! Your home should be a place where you feel comfortable in. Whether you are looking to spend a little or have a slightly bigger budget.

​At Ecubespace, we will made sure every cent of your money are well spend. If you are looking at renovating your home soon, do talk to us and we can match your renovation budget and needs.

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